Lessons from former lovers

Isn't love a temporary madness
& neuro-chemical spike
in which judgement ceases
while a life-affirming "yes!" whoops?
Perhaps, but wouldn't a loveless life
seem blander-blatter-blather?

Falling in love is simple;
the real chore is to love
continually – especially after
quips, slips, & other nonsense
makes patience dips.

Seeing anything good in another,
it becomes multiplied in us.
Love is an integrity multiplier
& an queer spiritual alchemy.
Hence can we ever love too much?

Sex with love can be healing,
but without it, isn't it a tedious divertimento?
Yet some create music with their bodies
with consummate skill in notes of joy.

Narratives shape the contours of our consciousness:
once a person believes a narrative is “true”
any facts incongruent with that are filtered out:
hence aren't our lives structured fictions?

If you fortunate, love changes you
& in some ways, eventually there's
little difference between "I" and "thou" –
just a curious unity-in-diversity.