Some thoughts in honour of George Orwell

Listen to my voice and relax.
Breathe deeply, feeling more power with each breath -

I love Big Brother. . . He is our friend.
I listen to Big Brother. . . adoring Him again and again.
I obey Big Brother . . . He is Heaven-sent.
Big Brother helps His devotees . . . in Him I depend.
Serving Big Brother is an honor . . . His Wisdom is without end.

Imagine Big Brother in front of you: radiant, smiling, & warm.
This entire world shines with the Grace of Big Brother –
He's our Ultimate Friend.

Now gradually become conscious of your body;
feel every part full of Big Brother's Grace.
Counting from 1 to 9, repeat these words as you awaken –

One: "I see the radiance of Big Brother".
Two: "I savor Big Brother with each breath".
Three: "Big Brother is worth serving".
Four: "I experience Big Brother as happiness".
Five: "Helping Big Brother is an honor".
Six: "I love Big Brother deep inside".
Seven: "My life gains meaning thanks to Big Brother".
Eight: "From all enemies of Big Brother I shall keep away"!
Nine: "With His Wishes I shall comply".

Now open your eyes as you return to this world –
Ready to face new missions, ready to fight as decreed,
Ready to do whatever Big Brother needs.

Go with the Blessings of our Protector!
Go happy to serve His Friends!
Go ready to fight for Big Brother!
May His Message forever spread!

This document was approved by the Ministry of Information for Level G Circulation on 04:06:31:08.
Validation Code: 536-37-584923-0165.
Pixxâkiú: Is this so different from standard 21st Century propoganda?
AR3X108: No. Countless 'Big brothers' have been created and recreated throughout time.
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