Dharma Spin  - an art work by T Newfields
Ron: A fractured wheel – that's one way of describing my life.
Linda: Yeah. Aren't all of us seeking wholeness?
Lis: Not me. I accept whatever broken fragments life offers. I doubt whether things will ever "fit together" in any way that we expect.
Lex: Perhaps there's good reason for that: "we" aren't meant to do the fitting. Only a Higher Power can . . .
Ron: (cynically) Higher Power? Isn't that which each dominant creed claims to possess? It is almost laughable to see so many different people claim some "special" or "exclusive" conduit to the divine. That's merely a pathetic power ploy!
Lex: I prefer to believe a Higher Power is already in each person's hearts: anything else is an idol. However, just as clouds appear to obscure the sun does our greed, lust, and sloth obscure access to the inner light. Of that light, no one can claim ownership.