ABC UNIVERSITY: Some thoughts about the Commercialization of Education Welcome to ABC University – a great place to get a manufactured degree with little effort but lots of money. After receiving your bank deposit and conducting some perfunctory tests you'll receive a student number and nominal syllabus. Lessons are in sterile, stuffy rooms by undistinguished staff wishing to be somewhere else. Semester finals consist of hazy, multiple-choice mazes full of dubious content – but hey, we churn out grades! We're proud of our university's rich heritage – and especially our wealthy alumni protecting the status quo insuring that a fixed quota of bodies pass through our doors 'n commercialism thrives. Melissa: Is the author attempting satire? Tim: (shrugging his shoulders) Who knows? Aren't the words of most poets indecipherable? Liao: (nodding) For sure. However, doesn't it seem that the majority schools are primarily concerned with money making? Satoru: Perhaps so, which is unfortunate since it taints the whole notion of "education." Liao: There's a bit of "ABC University" in every university – the issue is a matter of degree. ===================================================================================== from _Crassroom Voices - Poetry, Art, & Dialogs about Education_ by T Newfields SUMMARY: A poem and dialog about educational exploitation and sham universities KEYWORDS: degree mills, edu-exploitation, sham universities, fake universities Author: T Newfields [Nitta Hirou / Huáng Yuèwǔ] (b. 1955) Begun: 1996 in Shizuoka, Japan / Finished: 2024 in Yokohama, Japan Creative Commons License: Attribution. {{CC-BY-4.0}} Granted < LAST TOC NEXT > TRANSLATIONS ESPAÑOL FRANÇAIS NIHONGO