HUMAN BEANS: ruminations on humanoid existence we're mere seeds simmering under heat next to intense burners surrounded by steam cooking under pressure trying to avoid undue flames almost boiling over getting scorched again & again after cooling off inches above dah butane a few venerable garbanzos finally come to see we're all together not to stew, evaporate or go to waste but to somehow create an amazing feast Frida: So whud'z duh point ah diz poem? Dmiritri: Huh? Duz poetry need a point? Frida: (shrugging her shoulders) Why not? Dmiritri: For me, it's all about smallness: there are forces at work on us much larger than ourselves. Satoru: Really? For me, it's about facing death with élan. We're all going ta get cooked in the oven of time. The question is: can do it with zing instead of whimpering? ===================================================================================== from Peace Pieces: Reflections on Violence and Conflict Resolution by T Newfields SUMMARY: Some thoughts about stress, the human condition, and ethical imperatives. KEYWORDS: stress coping strategies, ethical imperatives, social conditioning, human condition Author: T Newfields [Nitta Hirou / Huáng Yuèwǔ] (b. 1955) Begun: 1996 in Shizuoka, Japan ⩝ Finished: Finished: 2009 in Tokyo, Japan Creative Commons License: Attribution. {{CC-BY-4.0}} Granted < LAST TOC NEXT > Translations Chinese: French: German: Japanese: Spanish: