For Elizabeth Barrett Browning- an art work by T Newfields
Shu: Elizabeth Barret Browning: how much of her poetry is actually remembered?
Juanita: Perhaps a better question would be, "What do you actually remember of her?"
Ella: With poetry, quantity is less important than quality. If you remember a single poem clearly, that is significant.
Jack: Well, I consider her Sonnets from the Portuguese a work of genius. Moreover, I am fond of her post-humous My Heart and I. I must confess that many of her poems seem dated, but soon enough so will ours.
Ella: Indeed. Now and then I find myself re-reading some of her works. At an age when men dominated all literary fields, it's refreshing to hear a female voice.
Jack: (nonchalantly) Male, female, and in between – the divisions seem arbitrary! What matters now is simple: where is my cup of tea?