NEO-DRAMAS: Exiting the Theatre of Absurdity III Go ahead - laugh at me! I acknowledge I'm a fool . . . & yet it is worth asking should we wander past video arcades when so many plebeians are impoverished & countless Shakespeares are without food? Success was never an option. This NEO DRAMA stuff – what of it? Must existence be so brutal as rabid cancers spread? If that is true then it's time for a new vision to awaken the undead. Yet perhaps we should question: Can't we be bold while performing or will we be cowards instead? ===================================================================================== from Lit-A-Rupture: A Post Literary Construction by T Newfields SUMMARY: Some random thoughts about drama, dharma, and performances. KEYWORDS: scripted performances, performativity, routine dramas, social inequities by T Newfields [Nitta Hirou / Huáng Yuèwǔ] (b. 1955) Begun: 1995 in Shizuoka, Japan ⨳ Finished: 2023 in Yokohama, Japan Creative Commons License: Attribution. {{CC-BY-4.0}} Granted < LAST TOC NEXT >