OBSOLESCENCE: Reflections on Superannuated Sentience If poetry becomes obsolete and gadgets exist for every conceit will any futures be worth contemplating? Must we say "seig heil" to some mutant corporatist world order? Will digital programs replace our dreams as mere humans become superannuated cyber-beings? Eventually will computers control so much that ordinary humans become virtual dust? Living in techno-obsolescence as analog trash among vast info-spheres will non-conformists be regarded as anomalies compacted into irrelevant directories? At this moment in the quantum blips of microchips the answers are being calculated. ===================================================================================== from _Cyberpoems: Exploring the Human-Machine Interface_ by T Newfields SUMMARY: Some thoughts about possible post-human futures KEYWORDS: homo sapien superannuation, human obsolescence, digital corporatism Author: T Newfields [Nitta Hirou / Huáng Yuèwǔ] (b. 1955 - ?) Begun: 1999 in Kihei, Maui / Finished: 2020 in Yokohama, Japan Creative Commons License: Attribution. {{CC-BY-4.0}} Granted < LAST http://www.tnewfields.info/CyberPoems/ditzy.htm TOC http://www.tnewfields.info/CyberPoems/index.html NEXT > http://www.tnewfields.info/CyberPoems/dm.htm Translations; Chinese: http://www.tnewfields.info/zh/guoshi.htm Japanese: http://www.tnewfields.info/jp/chinpuka.htm Spanish: http://www.tnewfields.info/es/obsoles.htm